Start Selling to Chinese ConsumersChinese consumers will grow much richer over the next 15 years. They already account for 1/3 of all luxury product purchases across the world, and they are only getting started…. Learn moreUnderstand How to Motivate Chinese Consumers Before you start Selling to Chinese, you Should First Develop a Basic Understanding of how to align your Brand- and Product Characteristics with Chinese Purchase Motivators. Learn more Advertise on Chinese Social MediaLeverage our 7-step Action Plan Of Content, Community and eCommerceLearn more
i.e.: Zhihu, Douban, Kuaishou, Douyin, Meipai
Feed content and start building followers
Setup your CBEC channel and start selling
Unlock your brand’s China potential. Leverage our 7-step model of content, community and e-commerce, and optimize your ROI.
Chinese Social Media Marketing
prefer Chinese mobile payment
9 out of 10 Chinese Tourist prefer to use Chinese Mobile Payment in Denmark
experience increased sale
59% of Stores, who offer Chinese Mobile Pay report Increased sale
increased customer satisfaction
70% of Stores with Chinese Mobile pay experience Increased Customer Satisfaction
WeChat is Chinas largest social media with more than 1 Billion users.
Chinese want to understand your history, values and product quality.
Select the right platforms and create targeted content.
Setup your store and start selling directly to Chinese consumers.